
Search results for '[privacy information personal cookies browser collect iau store website use]' Latest search results for 'explore:' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Redland Hospital first in SEQ to use Magseed technology for breast cancer patients A magnetic device the size of a grain of rice is helping to ease the discomfort of Redlands Coast women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Mon, 13 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Spread information not infections this World Hand Hygiene Day Staff at the Princess Alexandra Hospital are putting their hands up and committing to always practising proper hand hygiene to protect themselves, patients and the wider community. Wed, 8 May 2024 12:00:00 +1000 PA Hospital worker uses incredible memory to spread joy Brad Cahoon has a remarkable mind. The Brisbane man can recall significant moments in time at the drop of a hat, even down to the day and weather conditions. Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Herculean effort for Heparin safety Senior Pharmacist Dr Mandy Ng has coordinated a herculean effort to reform safety protocols for the use of high-risk Heparin across QEII Hospital. Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +1000 All-new online educational hub fast-tracks SCI care The Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service (QSCIS) are streamlining spinal cord injury care information for clinicians with the launch of an all-in-one online educational hub. Fri, 15 Sep 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Immersive Virtual Reality to enhance rehabilitation In a patient-centred approach, Dr. Clare Burns (MNH) and Dr. Elise Gane (MSH) with an allied health team are exploring the use of immersive virtual reality (I-VR) environments to support patients undergoing rehabilitation. Wed, 1 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 MSH supports new PNG Cancer Registry With potentially the highest rates of cancer incidence in the developing Pacific region, Papua New Guinea's inability to collect data on cancer patients or maintain a national cancer registry was impacting their ability to track disease prevalence Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Heartfelt donation puts SIU in the frame On the 40-year anniversary of his spinal cord injury (SCI), PA Hospital outpatient Bill Dodd has thoughtfully donated a trio of his personal artworks to the Queensland Spinal Injuries Unit (SIU) in honour of his longstanding connection with the Tue, 19 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Medical imaging We can help when a doctor needs to get a better look at what's happening in your body. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc029 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc029 Alcohol and other drugs Support for people experiencing alcohol and drug concerns that affect their day-to-day life. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc007 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc007 Radiation oncology Radiation oncology or therapy is the use of radiation (x-rays) to treat and manage cancer. It works by damaging cancer cells while limiting damage to healthy cells.  file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc078 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc078 Physiotherapy Physiotherapy uses movement and exercise to help you recover from injury, illness or surgery, increase mobility and strength, reduce pain and prevent further injury. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc003 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc003 Social work Social workers support people in a crisis or who wish to improve their safety and wellbeing through assessment, social support and linking to community resources.  file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc030 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc030 Motion Analysis Service The Motion Analysis Service assesses and treats people with walking issues. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc099 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc099 Breast screening We check for very small breast cancers that can’t be seen or felt by you or your doctor. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc009 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc009 Thu, 23 Oct 1721 12:00:00 +1000

Last updated: June 2024