
Search results for '[brennan rings brave bell mark end cancer treatment]' Latest search results for 'explore:' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Cancer Alliance Queensland 20-year milestone CAQ celebrated two decades of investment into the health outcomes of people whose lives have been impacted by cancer. Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Redland Hospital first in SEQ to use Magseed technology for breast cancer patients A magnetic device the size of a grain of rice is helping to ease the discomfort of Redlands Coast women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Mon, 13 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Little miracle rings end of treatment bell The distinct sound of a bell ringing cut through the daily noise of Logan Hospital’s Children’s Ward marking a significant moment in time for little Ash Saunders. Tue, 7 May 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Princess Alexandra Hospital home to world first prostate cancer trial A new treatment called Targeted Alpha Therapy for difficult to treat cancers that have spread in the body is being trialled as a world first at Princess Alexandra Hospital through the Integrated Theranostic Centre. Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:00:00 +1000 PAH supports trainee doctor through cancer treatment General surgeon Kat Goodall is a familiar face at the Princess Alexandra and QEII hospitals, helping patients navigate their road back to health. Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:00:00 +1000 MSH supports new PNG Cancer Registry With potentially the highest rates of cancer incidence in the developing Pacific region, Papua New Guinea's inability to collect data on cancer patients or maintain a national cancer registry was impacting their ability to track disease prevalence Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +1000 PAH team secures cancer research grant for breakthrough study The PA Hospital and University of Queensland Frailty Network are coming up strong after securing two years of binary funding to support an in-depth study on the impact of frailty in older people undergoing cancer treatment at PAH. Mon, 8 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +1000 PAH Launches 10-Minute Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Service In as little as 10 minutes, ED patients with drug and alcohol-related issues can now access a host of interventional treatment and long-term support services. Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Treatment room makeover turns OW into WOW! A small team in the CIU have worked their fins off to bring the wonders of the deep blue sea to their treatment room. Wed, 24 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Funding for Parkinson’s disease treatments targeting the gut microbiome Researchers based at TRI have received major funding to develop Parkinson’s disease treatments by targeting the gut microbiome. Tue, 28 May 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Redcliffe Community Health Centre http://5e26cb16-31b3-4e0c-8538-af057f045c94 http://5e26cb16-31b3-4e0c-8538-af057f045c94 Empowering end-of-life experiences with VR Cutting-edge virtual reality technology is transforming patient care thanks to Logan Hospital’s Palliative Care team. Wed, 15 May 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Staff tickled pink with support from breast cancer fun run Healthcare workers hit the pavement in Brisbane, showing up for a colourful display of compassion and kindness in the 2024 International Women's Day Fun Run. Fri, 3 May 2024 12:00:00 +1000 New wave of nursing talent joins Logan Hospital Logan Hospital has welcomed a large group of enthusiastic nursing graduates to its workforce this week, with all 59 of them ready to make their mark on our community. Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Oncology Oncology is the field of medicine that deals with cancer. file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc016 file://dummy-url/try-mapping-a-url/e.g-in-xml-config/opt/funnelback/data/qld-health-core-service-finder__services/offline/data/funnelback-web-crawl.warc/doc016

Last updated: June 2024