
Search results for '[travel subsidy loading scheme patient km aren remote area local]' Latest search results for '[travel subsidy loading scheme patient km aren remote area local]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Patients and visitors | Metro South Health Here's what you need to know if you're visiting or staying at a hospital or health centre in the Metro South Health area. Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Metro South Health Research Support Scheme | Metro South Health We fund research that gives insights into what keeps us healthy and identifies new treatments, tests and preventions. Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Ellen Barron Family Centre We offer inpatient and virtual programs for families who need help with sleep, feeding and behaviours with their baby or toddler. http://feb89d42-fc9e-4244-88f1-7bc4a33993ed http://feb89d42-fc9e-4244-88f1-7bc4a33993ed Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) report | Metro South Health Our local area needs assessment helps us decide what health care services our community needs the most and what our priorities are for the future. Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Leaving hospital | Metro South Health What to expect when leaving hospital, including information about your recovery, medicines, follow up appointments and how to provide feedback on your stay. Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Workplace benefits | Metro South Health We offer attractive pay and conditions, supportive workplaces and exciting opportunities to develop your skills and career. Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Beaudesert Hospital | Metro South Health Learn how to contact Beaudesert Hospital and plan your visit, including maps, visiting hours and health services offered. Links to more information for patients going to hospital. Places to eat and buy food, buy medication and other things. Sun, 21 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Passion and purpose shines bright for Independent Patient Rights Advisers Five Independent Patient Rights Advisers (IPRA) are proudly advocating for patients admitted to a mental health ward. Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Palliative care - Quilpie Multipurpose Health Service Our palliative care service supports people with serious and complex illnesses, as well as their carers. http://f3429b8f-9af1-4644-bc63-8feb1036922c http://f3429b8f-9af1-4644-bc63-8feb1036922c Palliative care - Bollon Community Clinic Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://df7c8843-7385-4c4c-a5fe-8969a75f5d12 http://df7c8843-7385-4c4c-a5fe-8969a75f5d12 Palliative care - Morven Community Clinic Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://b5384d7b-5b51-4a61-8a28-f3fa23df9a77 http://b5384d7b-5b51-4a61-8a28-f3fa23df9a77 Palliative care - Mungindi Multipurpose Health Service Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://7e72a57f-beeb-45c2-afa4-f45d898575f8 http://7e72a57f-beeb-45c2-afa4-f45d898575f8 Palliative care - Dirranbandi Multipurpose Health Service Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://b82a11d4-d1e1-4e58-a593-76d53892224e http://b82a11d4-d1e1-4e58-a593-76d53892224e Palliative care - Augathella Multipurpose Health Service Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://64eb1666-4cac-49c2-96de-74d79fc76ef3 http://64eb1666-4cac-49c2-96de-74d79fc76ef3 Palliative care - Mitchell Multipurpose Health Service Specialist Palliative Care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://63303fc8-d37b-4cc5-85f3-59e8d974e67e http://63303fc8-d37b-4cc5-85f3-59e8d974e67e

Last updated: June 2024