
Search results for '[rooms shipway jody longreach cardiology clinical]' Latest search results for '[rooms shipway jody longreach cardiology clinical]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Longreach Clinical Rooms http://91b6fca6-2154-46ce-a10a-09410150ded3 http://91b6fca6-2154-46ce-a10a-09410150ded3 Wed, 19 Apr 1679 12:00:00 +1000 Longreach Family Medical Practice http://0757bf47-de88-471c-9752-ab883707cc6c http://0757bf47-de88-471c-9752-ab883707cc6c Longreach Hospital http://c2c71274-ad30-40bb-bd83-9181adcca813 http://c2c71274-ad30-40bb-bd83-9181adcca813 Clinical trials | Metro South Health We have extensive experience and specialist facilities for running clinical trials. Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Clinical Nurse scrubs up with big heart values at QEII Five years since soft-launching her nursing career in the QEII Hospital graduate nursing program, Clinical Nurse General Surgery Sandra Petrovic is well on her way to blazing a trail that is uniquely her own. Mon, 8 Apr 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Paediatric - Longreach Clinical Rooms Paediatrics is the area of medicine that looks after people from birth to young adult. http://ca8de402-eb32-4851-ab33-96b9d5591196 http://ca8de402-eb32-4851-ab33-96b9d5591196 Diabetes - Longreach Clinical Rooms Get advice about living with diabetes. This includes managing blood sugar levels, medication, and tests for other health problems caused by diabetes. http://3218f2e9-5b2e-4a17-9818-fbf3dda19b95 http://3218f2e9-5b2e-4a17-9818-fbf3dda19b95 General Surgery - Longreach Clinical Rooms General surgery includes many different kinds of planned and emergency surgeries. http://57be0b30-eec6-417d-a771-3508d2fe4526 http://57be0b30-eec6-417d-a771-3508d2fe4526 Endoscopy - Longreach Clinical Rooms An endoscope is an instrument that has a light and a video camera that is used to look inside your body. This can be used in the digestive tract (gastroscopy, colonoscopy) or airways (bronchoscopy). http://708f15e6-9050-4fc8-9cd1-fa9cd302b728 http://708f15e6-9050-4fc8-9cd1-fa9cd302b728 Cardiology - Longreach Clinical Rooms Cardiology is the area of medicine that specialises in treating your heart and blood vessels. http://e03ebe89-d2b8-4076-af37-0749257e03a1 http://e03ebe89-d2b8-4076-af37-0749257e03a1 Respiratory - Longreach Clinical Rooms We provide care for people who have serious problems with their breathing and lungs. http://d3ee9c5f-f1ef-457c-ab35-6f9537a337d4 http://d3ee9c5f-f1ef-457c-ab35-6f9537a337d4 Palliative care - Longreach Clinical Rooms Specialist palliative care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://064775a2-4376-49e4-ba13-39601679ee10 http://064775a2-4376-49e4-ba13-39601679ee10 Endocrine - Longreach Clinical Rooms Your glands, hormones, and the effect they have on your body is called the endocrine system. http://97fe5477-bf0a-4080-88de-7b1d9d55941c http://97fe5477-bf0a-4080-88de-7b1d9d55941c Sat, 27 May 1679 12:00:00 +1000 Gastroenterology - Longreach Clinical Rooms Gastroenterology is the area of medicine that treats your digestive system.  http://1bc87fec-b939-40bd-921b-c8b2345f6bc1 http://1bc87fec-b939-40bd-921b-c8b2345f6bc1 Sat, 4 Jul 1682 12:00:00 +1000 Audiology - Longreach Hospital Audiologists are hearing specialists who look at hearing health. http://b0f6ca2f-91ac-426e-84d5-95046c4702a2 http://b0f6ca2f-91ac-426e-84d5-95046c4702a2

Last updated: June 2024