
Search results for '[crf research tri clinical wi2024 facility 453 pr2024 msh policy]' Latest search results for '[crf research tri clinical wi2024 facility 453 pr2024 msh policy]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 The Centre for Children's Health Research http://a667276d-4ec0-4fc1-b1df-048ebe09b295 http://a667276d-4ec0-4fc1-b1df-048ebe09b295 Metro South Health Our research improves health and medical problems in innovative ways. Princess Alexandra Hospital Health Symposium. ... Learn from global experts and discover the latest trends in research and clinical practice. Sun, 28 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Longreach Clinical Rooms http://91b6fca6-2154-46ce-a10a-09410150ded3 http://91b6fca6-2154-46ce-a10a-09410150ded3 Wed, 19 Apr 1679 12:00:00 +1000 Research contacts | Metro South Health Get in touch if you have any questions or would like more information about doing research with us. Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Paediatric - Longreach Clinical Rooms Paediatrics is the area of medicine that looks after people from birth to young adult. http://ca8de402-eb32-4851-ab33-96b9d5591196 http://ca8de402-eb32-4851-ab33-96b9d5591196 General Surgery - Longreach Clinical Rooms General surgery includes many different kinds of planned and emergency surgeries. http://57be0b30-eec6-417d-a771-3508d2fe4526 http://57be0b30-eec6-417d-a771-3508d2fe4526 Diabetes - Longreach Clinical Rooms Get advice about living with diabetes. This includes managing blood sugar levels, medication, and tests for other health problems caused by diabetes. http://3218f2e9-5b2e-4a17-9818-fbf3dda19b95 http://3218f2e9-5b2e-4a17-9818-fbf3dda19b95 Endoscopy - Longreach Clinical Rooms An endoscope is an instrument that has a light and a video camera that is used to look inside your body. This can be used in the digestive tract (gastroscopy, colonoscopy) or airways (bronchoscopy). http://708f15e6-9050-4fc8-9cd1-fa9cd302b728 http://708f15e6-9050-4fc8-9cd1-fa9cd302b728 Logan Central Adult Community Mental Health Service http://97a0f50f-6ec1-4a84-ba89-b0bf61b62526 http://97a0f50f-6ec1-4a84-ba89-b0bf61b62526 Logan Central Community Health Centre http://b083ba5e-de12-44db-abb9-dc11c705ef8a http://b083ba5e-de12-44db-abb9-dc11c705ef8a Logan Central Addiction and Mental Health Centre http://a375e456-f772-4118-9420-177eb90dcb02 http://a375e456-f772-4118-9420-177eb90dcb02 Respiratory - Longreach Clinical Rooms We provide care for people who have serious problems with their breathing and lungs. http://d3ee9c5f-f1ef-457c-ab35-6f9537a337d4 http://d3ee9c5f-f1ef-457c-ab35-6f9537a337d4 Cardiology - Longreach Clinical Rooms Cardiology is the area of medicine that specialises in treating your heart and blood vessels. http://e03ebe89-d2b8-4076-af37-0749257e03a1 http://e03ebe89-d2b8-4076-af37-0749257e03a1 Palliative care - Longreach Clinical Rooms Specialist palliative care is about helping to support quality of life for anyone with a life limiting illness, such as cancer, end stage kidney disease, or progressive neurological disease. http://064775a2-4376-49e4-ba13-39601679ee10 http://064775a2-4376-49e4-ba13-39601679ee10 Endocrine - Longreach Clinical Rooms Your glands, hormones, and the effect they have on your body is called the endocrine system. http://97fe5477-bf0a-4080-88de-7b1d9d55941c http://97fe5477-bf0a-4080-88de-7b1d9d55941c Sat, 27 May 1679 12:00:00 +1000

Last updated: June 2024