
Search results for '[bat om lyssavirus aware scratched water bitten soap pet bats]' Latest search results for '[bat om lyssavirus aware scratched water bitten soap pet bats]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Public Health Unit issues bat warning Metro South Health’s Public Health Unit is reminding residents not to touch or pick up bats and flying foxes, even if they appear sick or injured. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Impact community health service http://a1dc3b0a-52f9-4dc2-b09a-6aaa58e78f2d http://a1dc3b0a-52f9-4dc2-b09a-6aaa58e78f2d Thu, 12 Jan 1690 12:00:00 +1000 Medical imaging - Princess Alexandra Hospital We can help when a doctor needs to get a better look at what's happening in your body. http://a81f2eb2-270f-46aa-b063-05ce6c71cb4b http://a81f2eb2-270f-46aa-b063-05ce6c71cb4b Childbirth and parenting classes - Nambour General Hospital Childbirth and parenting information and education classes for parents birthing at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. http://825e7e34-8d76-48ee-9717-57e10f6dc341 http://825e7e34-8d76-48ee-9717-57e10f6dc341 Medical imaging - Queensland Children's Hospital We can help when a doctor needs to get a better look at what's happening in your body. http://2e11a60c-a2fe-441f-befb-082717a78a17 http://2e11a60c-a2fe-441f-befb-082717a78a17 Wed, 20 Jul 1718 12:00:00 +1000 Medical imaging - Redlands Satellite Hospital / Talwalpin Milbul We can help when a doctor needs to get a better look at what's happening in your body. http://a247d31e-3ef4-44d5-8efc-055401e242fd http://a247d31e-3ef4-44d5-8efc-055401e242fd Medical imaging - Redland Hospital We can help when a doctor needs to get a better look at what's happening in your body. http://8c740e6c-c11c-403e-8806-454ca2446c7d http://8c740e6c-c11c-403e-8806-454ca2446c7d Metro South Health Be Bat Aware Can’t t uch ... Metro South Health. Be Bat. Aware Can’t t uch this. ק Australian bat lyssavirus is similar to the rabies virus which can be fatal to humans. ... DO NOT touch. Call 1300ANIMAL. If you are bitten or scratched Wash wound with soap and water, apply Fri, 3 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Cardiology - Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital (QEII) Cardiology is the area of medicine that specialises in treating your heart and blood vessels. http://8e96cd46-c0cb-4f17-a9f1-3846d5dcb155 http://8e96cd46-c0cb-4f17-a9f1-3846d5dcb155 Maternity - Gympie Hospital Care and services for women, babies, and families throughout pregnancy, during labour, birth, and after birth. http://9dfbd4ca-78bf-4a18-ae6a-748d31c4ce78 http://9dfbd4ca-78bf-4a18-ae6a-748d31c4ce78 Maternity - Redland Hospital Care and services for women, babies, and families throughout pregnancy, during labour, birth, and after birth. http://14fe13df-b86e-46a5-8103-27f1a7c189e8 http://14fe13df-b86e-46a5-8103-27f1a7c189e8 Women's health clinics - Impact community health service Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://65faad21-002d-47c9-95b8-825e9d84b351 http://65faad21-002d-47c9-95b8-825e9d84b351 Thu, 1 Jul 1694 12:00:00 +1000 Maternity - Sunshine Coast University Hospital Care and services for women, babies, and families throughout pregnancy, during labour, birth, and after birth. http://7e3d40ec-943a-43b7-9eba-b0a08025e4f8 http://7e3d40ec-943a-43b7-9eba-b0a08025e4f8 Maternity - Logan Hospital Care and services for women, babies, and families throughout pregnancy, during labour, birth, and after birth. http://ccca90d1-79a2-4fa2-af02-a1dae4d56ed1 http://ccca90d1-79a2-4fa2-af02-a1dae4d56ed1 Maternity - Toowoomba Hospital Care and services for women, babies, and families throughout pregnancy, during labour, birth, and after birth. http://d965c084-6412-46b4-96cf-c59b224d3503 http://d965c084-6412-46b4-96cf-c59b224d3503

Last updated: June 2024