
Search results for '[bat lyssavirus exposures exposure reported ablv australian bats rabies quarter]' Latest search results for '[bat lyssavirus exposures exposure reported ablv australian bats rabies quarter]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Public Health Unit issues bat warning Metro South Health’s Public Health Unit is reminding residents not to touch or pick up bats and flying foxes, even if they appear sick or injured. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Sexual health services - Caloundra Health Service Sexual health is all about taking care of yourself when you're sexually active. http://933ec0d0-33f3-4461-80fd-2425ce36d4a0 http://933ec0d0-33f3-4461-80fd-2425ce36d4a0 Sexual health services - Gympie Hospital Sexual health is all about taking care of yourself when you're sexually active. http://6b85ede9-2b96-42e5-b394-5436c47e43e4 http://6b85ede9-2b96-42e5-b394-5436c47e43e4 Sexual health services - Nambour General Hospital Sexual health is all about taking care of yourself when you're sexually active. http://024300ab-c5b8-49d7-9c38-397d075920b8 http://024300ab-c5b8-49d7-9c38-397d075920b8 Tuberculosis - Princess Alexandra Hospital We help manage tuberculosis (TB) and related diseases. http://f49b4d96-2816-4987-aff6-f47049f52c2d http://f49b4d96-2816-4987-aff6-f47049f52c2d Sexual health services - Logan Hospital Sexual health is all about taking care of yourself when you're sexually active. http://6057842c-6a85-45d5-87ac-a9aedce59b62 http://6057842c-6a85-45d5-87ac-a9aedce59b62 Sexual health services - Princess Alexandra Hospital Sexual health is all about taking care of yourself when you're sexually active. http://5dcbd894-c854-429d-a4ab-f08dcbbc028a http://5dcbd894-c854-429d-a4ab-f08dcbbc028a Gender service - Queensland Children's Hospital Gender services provide care to improve the health, wellbeing and function of people diverse in gender identity. http://fa30964c-4f9f-43c2-9e0f-3d4a78ea3057 http://fa30964c-4f9f-43c2-9e0f-3d4a78ea3057 Women's health clinics - Marlborough Ambulance Station Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://08432a3a-1caf-4e6e-9464-2c90533c1db6 http://08432a3a-1caf-4e6e-9464-2c90533c1db6 Women's health clinics - Capella Outpatient Clinic Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://d37a24ea-be79-4e23-ab09-19e334688d1e http://d37a24ea-be79-4e23-ab09-19e334688d1e Women's health clinics - Rolleston Health Clinic Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://5792ffa7-dc9e-48fb-b962-3637525c2177 http://5792ffa7-dc9e-48fb-b962-3637525c2177 Women's health clinics - Baralaba Multipurpose Health Service Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://0cebd417-6b5e-4f0f-b247-fca6252c286a http://0cebd417-6b5e-4f0f-b247-fca6252c286a Women's health clinics - Gemfields Primary Health Clinic Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://d9619c2b-fadd-4eeb-8f13-4c23c1619d09 http://d9619c2b-fadd-4eeb-8f13-4c23c1619d09 Women's health clinics - Moura Multipurpose Health Service Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://944ea3e5-3bc8-4fd5-9f40-19c9b493661c http://944ea3e5-3bc8-4fd5-9f40-19c9b493661c Women's health clinics - Woorabinda Multipurpose Health Service Our women's health service travels around the region offering free women's health clinics. http://4822f1ab-fa0e-46b3-9f3d-e37db45f5867 http://4822f1ab-fa0e-46b3-9f3d-e37db45f5867

Last updated: June 2024