
Search results for '[alert measles brisbane]' Latest search results for '[alert measles brisbane]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Measles Alert for Brisbane Metro South Health has been notified about a measles infection in Brisbane. Fri, 1 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Queensland Children's Hospital http://df587662-687c-4f93-8c66-f49b1be4ff43 http://df587662-687c-4f93-8c66-f49b1be4ff43 Mater Hospital - Raymond Terrace http://11162ef7-4dc0-4b08-a7cf-6e0f478e1a4d http://11162ef7-4dc0-4b08-a7cf-6e0f478e1a4d Nanango Hospital http://0a98f571-c370-4883-85d0-2318e88bcbc6 http://0a98f571-c370-4883-85d0-2318e88bcbc6 The Centre for Children's Health Research http://a667276d-4ec0-4fc1-b1df-048ebe09b295 http://a667276d-4ec0-4fc1-b1df-048ebe09b295 Eight Mile Plains Community Health Centre http://cc840164-e330-44d2-94c6-39e6fa22c270 http://cc840164-e330-44d2-94c6-39e6fa22c270 Brisbane South Recovery College Enrolment Form | Metro South Health Use this form to enrol in the course you want to attend at Brisbane South Recovery College. Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Sleep medicine - Queensland Children's Hospital Sleep medicine provides care for people with sleep disorders. http://602aed0e-380c-43b2-9872-14e905a44414 http://602aed0e-380c-43b2-9872-14e905a44414 Jacaranda Place We offer extended inpatient care and a day program for young people with severe or complex mental health difficulties that includes a lot of support for your education or vocational needs. http://7832eb3e-760e-4b20-92dd-3b800fa331ab http://7832eb3e-760e-4b20-92dd-3b800fa331ab Paediatric medicine - Queensland Children's Hospital Paediatrics is the area of medicine that looks after people from birth to young adult. http://0a3fa023-8efc-489b-88f1-742dbfa16392 http://0a3fa023-8efc-489b-88f1-742dbfa16392 Burns - Queensland Children's Hospital Care and treatment for people with burn injuries. http://ab64d91a-61c6-47d6-ac57-5a465f906c49 http://ab64d91a-61c6-47d6-ac57-5a465f906c49 Persistent Pain Management - Queensland Children's Hospital Persistent pain management services provide support, education and therapy for those with persistent pain to improve function and quality of life. http://6708e278-35b5-4156-a339-b0ad253c5581 http://6708e278-35b5-4156-a339-b0ad253c5581 Audiology - Queensland Children's Hospital Audiologists are hearing specialists who look at hearing health. http://a7f24972-5c54-42a7-8209-bd0abf856cc5 http://a7f24972-5c54-42a7-8209-bd0abf856cc5 Eating disorders - Greenslopes Care and treatment for people affected by eating disorders. http://26169ea9-1621-4b61-a446-19129b176762 http://26169ea9-1621-4b61-a446-19129b176762 HIV service - Queensland Children's Hospital We provide care and treatment for people with HIV infection. http://68b08415-962d-427b-a3ec-780d012a8e99 http://68b08415-962d-427b-a3ec-780d012a8e99

Last updated: June 2024