
Search results for '[6202 urogynaecology 204616 4616 toowoomba follow appointments null up troost]' Latest search results for '[6202 urogynaecology 204616 4616 toowoomba follow appointments null up troost]' from qld-health-metro-south__meta Funnelback 1440 Toowoomba Hospital http://9588b5b1-85f3-47f4-8311-80a17572b4d8 http://9588b5b1-85f3-47f4-8311-80a17572b4d8 Resident friendly face George Claydon brightens up QEII A friendly face is easy to find at QEII Hospital thanks to the dedication of volunteers like George Claydon, who has gladly donated his time to helping patients navigate the hospital for seven years and counting. Fri, 1 Dec 2023 12:00:00 +1000 Toowoomba Child, Youth and Family Health Centre http://c381a231-de97-417b-a1e9-b6197b1e8f29 http://c381a231-de97-417b-a1e9-b6197b1e8f29 Sun, 30 Dec 1646 12:00:00 +1000 Specialist (outpatient) appointments | Metro South Health Learn more about our outpatient clinics and how to access specialist medical and surgical services that don't need you to stay in hospital. Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health How to set up your kit | Metro South Health Learn how to set up your mosquito egg trap. Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Research updates | Metro South Health Sign up for our monthly newsletter, and stay up to date with policy changes, training and other information. Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +1000 Metro South Health Urogynaecology - Toowoomba Hospital Urogynaecology is the area of medicine that looks after disorders of the bladder, bowel and pelvic floor. http://1deabd00-ec26-45cc-95a8-8a80dd2365aa http://1deabd00-ec26-45cc-95a8-8a80dd2365aa Baillie Henderson Hospital http://862abb1d-7c44-4078-a5d2-3d61c6bad830 http://862abb1d-7c44-4078-a5d2-3d61c6bad830 Inglewood Community Health Service http://4c2288a1-fcc2-4c24-950f-b2c5a59fa9d1 http://4c2288a1-fcc2-4c24-950f-b2c5a59fa9d1 Crows Nest Child and Community Health Centre http://8341194f-d755-41f8-a5a6-62239e413429 http://8341194f-d755-41f8-a5a6-62239e413429 Audiology - Toowoomba Hospital Audiologists are hearing specialists who look at hearing health. http://f9ff6961-2641-4e76-a7bd-ad91543aa9aa http://f9ff6961-2641-4e76-a7bd-ad91543aa9aa Paediatric - Toowoomba Hospital Paediatric is the area of medicine that looks after people from birth to young adult. http://417dab67-07aa-4703-970d-a85831c2fdf2 http://417dab67-07aa-4703-970d-a85831c2fdf2 Respiratory - Toowoomba Hospital We provide care for people who have serious problems with their breathing and lungs. http://f4eeb987-4638-44b5-947d-376147050175 http://f4eeb987-4638-44b5-947d-376147050175 Rheumatology - Toowoomba Hospital We treat disorders of your joints, muscles, ligaments, and bones. http://58e7a872-5f41-42a9-b89e-659f9b043b60 http://58e7a872-5f41-42a9-b89e-659f9b043b60 General Medicine - Toowoomba Hospital Our general medicine team can help with diagnosis, treatment, and management options for acute medical illnesses and chronic diseases. http://10388768-2031-464e-8b63-de89de2b3260 http://10388768-2031-464e-8b63-de89de2b3260

Last updated: June 2024