About the ethics review process

Our human research ethics committee (HREC) reviews proposed research projects in our hospitals and health service. We can also review ethics applications for research outside of Metro South Health.

When you apply for ethics approval, we’ll assess your project against the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.

You'll need to be able to show that:

  • your research has scientific merit
  • any benefits outweigh any associated risks
  • the people who’ll work on your project are properly qualified
  • you’ll treat the participants with respect, especially vulnerable groups
  • you’ve considered the ethical issues associated with the methodology you'll use.

Watch our latest videos about the ethics review process.

Navigating ethics in research: tips and tricks for your ethics application
Ethics review and research governance process

Lower risk projects

Lower risk projects, such as clinical audits or quality assurance activities, may not need a full ethics review.

Find out if your project needs a full review by reading the:

If your project doesn’t need a full review, you can use our Exemption: project description template [DOCX 284.16 KB]. You’ll also need to submit the QLD Exemption Form in the Ethical Review Manager (ERM).

There's no closing date for exemption applications. You can apply at any time.

How to apply for an ethics review

Step 1: Prepare your research protocol

Before you can apply for an ethics review you'll need to create a research protocol.

Use our templates to help prepare your research protocol. These are a guide so some sections may not be relevant to your project and can be changed or deleted.

Step 2: Know your project's level of risk

The next step is to work out your project's level of risk. There are 2 types of research project:

  • lower risk research – when the only risk to a person is discomfort
  • higher risk research – when the risk to a person is more serious than discomfort.

The following documents and training will help you understand, assess and plan for risks in your research project.

Include your project's overall risk rating in your research protocol.

Our HREC can help you understand your project's level of risk. Email MSH-Ethics@health.qld.gov.au and attach a copy of your draft research protocol.

Step 3: Prepare your supporting documents

Our Ethical review guidance document and checklist [DOCX 593.7 KB] explains what supporting documents to submit when you apply for an ethics review.

Requirements for supporting documents are different for new research projects, retrospective reviews and clinical trials.

Step 4: Apply for an ethics review

You must use the online Ethical Review Manager (ERM) to apply for an ethics review. If you're doing research in more than one place (multi-site research) you only need to submit one form.

Read the ERM how-to guides.

After we've reviewed your application, we'll send you an email to let you know the outcome.

Application closing dates

Exemption and lower risk applications

You can apply for an ethics review exemption or to submit a lower risk application at any time. There's no closing date.

Higher risk applications

Our HREC meets on the first Tuesday of each month. You must submit your forms and supporting documents by 12 noon on a closing date (see below).

If you miss the deadline, you can use the Queensland HREC submission dates database to find another certified HREC to review your application.

Closing dates HREC meeting dates

18 January 2024

6 February 2024

15 February 2024

5 March 2024

14 March 2024

2 April 2024

18 April 2024

7 May 2024

16 May 2024

4 June 2024

13 June 2024

2 July 2024

18 July 2024

6 August 2024

15 August 2024

3 September 2024

19 September 2024

1 October 2024

17 October 2024

5 November 2024

14 November 2024

3 December 2024


You may need to pay an administration fee [PDF 166.05 KB] when you submit your application. Make sure you include any fees as part of your research budget. Invoice details must be provided on the administration fees form [DOCX 684.16 KB].

Apply for a site specific assessment (SSA)

After you apply for an ethics review in the ERM, you need to create an SSA application form so you can apply for governance authorisation.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the ethics review process, you can contact us by either:

Last updated: July 2024