Corporate governance of our research

The integrity, credibility, and sustainability of research activities in our health service is important. It helps to make sure all research done in our hospitals and health centres:

  • promotes ethical conduct and encourages responsible research practices
  • follows best practice
  • complies with research regulations and laws.

Read our Research support and management procedure [PDF 205.83 KB] for more information.

About our research committees

Our research committees help us meet our corporate governance goals. The role of all our committees is advisory only.

Terms of reference describe each committee's purpose, functions, membership, and reporting and administrative arrangements.

Metro South Health Research Council

Our Research Council reports to our Executive Strategic Governance Committee.

The council provides strategic advice and makes recommendations to help meet our vision for research.

Read the Metro South Health Research Council Terms of Reference [PDF 205.53 KB].

Metro South Health Research Grants Committee

Our research grants committee reports to the research council.

The committee provides strategic advice and makes recommendations to help administer Metro South Health's research grants.

Read the Metro South Health Research Grants Committee Terms of Reference [PDF 224.01 KB].

Metro South Human Research Ethics Committee

Our human research ethics committee (HREC) reviews proposed research projects in our hospitals and health centres.

Key objectives include:

  • safeguarding the mental and physical welfare, rights, dignity, and safety of research participants
  • facilitating and promoting high-quality ethical research that's scientifically sound
  • ensuring that all clinical and health research is conducted responsibly and in the best interests of the broader community.

Read more about our HREC and the Metro South Human Research Ethics Committee Terms of Reference [PDF 185.02 KB].

Metro South Health Sponsorship Committee

Our sponsorship committee advises and make recommendations to the sponsor delegate and relevant research committee about risks involving:

  • clinical and standard of care participants on the clinical trial
  • financial and corporate arrangements
  • safety and quality.

Read the Metro South Health Sponsorship Committee Business Rules [PDF 346.51 KB].

Facility and service research committees

Each Metro South Health facility and service has a research committee. To find out more about these committees contact

Last updated: July 2024