Planning for your future care

Advance care planning (ACP) is thinking about and making choices now about your future health care. Part of this is making sure your family, friends and healthcare providers know your wishes, values, beliefs and treatment preferences. This will help them make decisions about your health care when you’re not able to.

Planning your future health care is important at any age, and the best time to think about it is when you’re well.

How we can help

We offer advance care planning help and advice in our hospitals and community health centres. We also run free education sessions for community groups.

Our advance care planning team can:

  • help you understand the types of health care decisions you might need to make
  • guide you through conversations with friends and family about your health care wishes, preferences and values
  • help you fill in advance care planning documents
  • explain how to share your wishes with health professionals

Advance care planning documents

We use the following documents to record your values, beliefs and how you wish to be cared for:

  • Advance Health Directive
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Statement of Choices

We can help you decide which documents suit your circumstances.

Read more about advance care planning at My Care, My Choices on the Queensland Government website.

Community health centre sessions

We run monthly sessions at community health centres where you can join others or ask for a one on one appointment with an  advance care planning specialist.

Introduction to advance care planning

Our one hour introduction will give you an overview of ACP. This includes when it might be needed, and why it’s important for your friends and family too.

Individual appointments

During your individual appointment, we can help you decide which ACP documents you want to use and help you fill them in. We can also help you share them with your GP and any other health professionals involved in your care.

Community centre locations

For more information about our community centre sessions or to book a place, call 1300 227 674.

Group education sessions

We offer information and education sessions for groups in the community.  If you belong to a community group that is  interested in learning more about advance care planning, call 1300 227 674.

Hospital teams

We offer free advance care planning services at all our hospitals. For more information, contact your local advance care planning team at a hospital below.

Beaudesert Hospital
Phone: 0499 846 578 or 0499 972 752

Logan Hospital
Phone: 0499 972 752

Princess Alexandra Hospital
Phone: 0439 365 469 or 0499 972 754

QEII Jubilee Hospital
Phone: 0419 397 228

Redland Hospital
Phone: 0419 397 228

Contact us

Metro South Health Advance Care Planning Service