Our structure
We're an independent statutory body governed by a board. Our board has independent non-executive members. The Governor in Council and the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services appoint our board members. The Minister is also responsible for Queensland Health who:
- monitors our performance through Service Agreements
- provides funding for Metro South public health services.
Read how we work with Queensland Health on their website or view our Organisational chart [PDF 127.89 KB] to learn more.
Executive leadership structure
Our executive team oversee our hospitals and health services.
Chief Executive
Noelle Cridland
Areas of responsibility
- Executive leadership
- Overall strategy, planning and business development
- Financial performance
- Hospital and health service performance
- Governance, ethical standards and internal audits
Chief Finance Officer
Murray Brown
Areas of responsibility
- Finance, capital and asset management
- Purchasing and supply
- Infrastructure planning
Chief People, Engagement and Research Officer
Dr Michael Cleary PSM
Areas of responsibility
- Human resources
- Research projects
- Media and communications
- Strategy partnerships
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Chief Operating Officer
Paula Foley
Areas of responsibility
- Our hospital and health service operations and performance
- Clinical improvement and central clinical services
- Patient flow
A/Chief Information Officer and A/Executive Director, Digital Health
Stephen Canaris
Areas of responsibility
- Managing our information technology programs, applications and systems
- Information technology security and service availability
- Digital health programs across our Hospitals and Health Services
Executive Director Medical Services
Dr Susan O'Dwyer
Areas of responsibility
- Professional leadership of the medical workforce
- Medical workforce planning including recruitment and performance management
- Medicines management
Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery
Veronica Casey AM
Areas of responsibility
- Professional leadership of the nursing workforce
- Nursing staff management, productivity and performance
- Our Centre of Nursing and Midwifery Excellence
Executive Director Allied Health
Dr Kellie Stockton
Areas of responsibility
- Professional leadership of the allied health workforce
- Overseeing our allied health service including occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech pathology
- Allied health staff development and performance
Executive Director Clinical Governance, Risk and Legal
Chris Thorburn
Areas of responsibility
- Clinical governance including patient safety and health care service quality
- Compliance and risk management
- Legal services
Executive Director Human Resources
Adam Lavis
Areas of responsibility
- Management of recruitment programs
- Leading strategic human resource activities
- Managing our workforce systems and processes
Executive Director Procurement and Supply
Steven Jennings
Areas of responsibility
- Supply chain management
- Contract management
- Managing purchasing budgets and expenditure
Executive Director Assets and Infrastructure
Mark Slade
Areas of responsibility
- Managing our building and facilities
- Construction and asset management
- Project management of building works
Executive Director Service Expansion, Strategy and Planning
Kaylene Sutherland
Areas of responsibility
- Operational leadership for hospital and commissioning
- Planning strategic programs across our hospital and health services
- Improving service models in new facilities
- Princess Alexandra Hospital – Dr Jeremy Wellwood
- Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital – Gillian Campbell
- Logan and Beaudesert Health Service – Anne Coccetti
- Bayside Health Service – Greg Nolan
- Community and Oral Health – Lesley English
- Addiction and Mental Health Service – Kieran Kinsella