
Our 2022 Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) identifies the most important health and service needs of our population.

These needs were identified based on:

  • what our patients, community, health partners, and staff have told us
  • review of population health status, health risk factors, and health service use.

Health care priorities

Our LANA identified 31 needs themes which were prioritised for future action.

Our top 5 health care needs were identified as:

  1. addiction and mental health services
  2. hospital and specialist services including access to elective surgery and emergency services
  3. ageing, care planning and end of life care
  4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care
  5. community services.

Read our 2022 local area needs assessment summary report [PDF 167.34 KB] to learn more.

Email MSH_HealthServicePlanning@health.qld.gov.au if you have any questions about our LANA.