Our health equity strategy

Closing the Gap

Our First Nations health equity strategy sets out how we'll meet our goals to make sure First Nations peoples have equal access to health care.

Our strategy supports Queensland Health's First Nations health equity framework and the agreement on Closing the Gap. Learn more about the national agreement on the Closing the Gap website.

We developed our strategy with consultations and feedback from First Nations peoples in our community. Read our Walking tracks to health equity consultation report [PDF 8896.95 KB] to learn more.

Our focus

  • Eliminate racial discrimination and institutional racism
  • Increase First Nations peoples access to health care services
  • Help improve social and economic impacts on health care
  • Deliver sustainable, culturally safe and responsive health care services
  • Work with First Nations peoples, communities and organisations to design and manage health services
  • Strengthen our First Nations workforce

Read our First Nations health equity strategy 2022–2025 [PDF 632.6 KB] to learn more.

Implementation plan

The implementation plan for the health equity strategy is being developed in partnership with the First Nations peoples of the region and key stakeholders.

To make a real difference in the health of First Nations peoples, Metro South Health will focus on developing meaningful and tangible actions that fulfill the goals of the health equity strategy.

By using co-design and co-delivery approaches, we can make sure that the plan remains responsive to the voices of First Nations peoples.

Read our First Nations health equity implementation plan [PDF 671.89 KB] to learn more.