Our strategy

Our goal is to make sure all our consumers feel welcome and safe when using our services. We welcome consumers and our community to take part in the planning, design and delivery of our health care services. We work with a range of people to develop our strategy including:

  • patients, families, carers and consumers
  • our staff and board
  • other Queensland Hospital and Health Services
  • state and federal government.

Our goals

  • Empower our community to share their voice and have their say
  • Improving our knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop relationships with our community
  • Building relationships with patients, families and carers in our community
  • Partnering with diverse community groups and services
  • Promoting the use of data to improve patient experiences

Read our Consumer and community engagement strategy 2023–2026 [PDF 679.88 KB] to learn more.

How to get involved

Register your interest to become a consumer partner.

Last updated: June 2024