Annual report 2022–2023

You can read our Annual report 2022–2023 [PDF 2095.09 KB] for an overview of our financial and non-financial performance and main achievements for the last year.

Our annual report sets out:

  • how we’re working towards our strategic plan
  • our performance
  • our governance processes
  • how we’ve spent and managed public funds in the last year.

Open data

The Queensland Government is committed to releasing as much public service data as possible. You can search for and read our public service data on the Open Data Initiative website.

Public availability statement

Contact us if you’d like a printed copy of our annual report.

Previous annual reports


The materials presented on this site are provided by the Queensland Government for information purposes only. Users should note that the electronic versions of the annual report, including the financial statements, on this site are not recognised as the official or authorised version. The electronic versions are provided solely on the basis that users will take responsibility for verifying their accuracy, completeness and currency. Although considerable resources are used to prepare and maintain the electronic versions, the Queensland Government accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may be incurred by any person acting in reliance on the electronic versions.

The official copy of the annual report, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament’s tabled papers.

Last updated: June 2024