Shelly and the Transit Care Hub shine

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A group of healthcare workers in a hospital room, standing in a semi-circle with raised hands, smiling and celebrating.
Logan Transit Care Hub Team

What do you get when you put a group of people who love caring for others in a new purpose- built unit? An award-winning Transit Care Hub team!

Not only did the team recently win an Excellence Values Award, their NUM, Shelly Smalley was just crowned Logan’s Nurse Leader of the Year.

Shelly insisted she only won the title because of her incredible team and modestly shifted the focus back to them. 

“I think our amazing team really deserves the big shout out,” she said. “Since the opening of the unit in June 2023 there have been big changes in the Transit Care Hub’s service delivery. The team has always been committed to the process and work hard to find the best way forward, advocating and supporting one another and the other services impacted.

“They have been resilient and flexible, and it is important to acknowledge their ongoing engagement and positive attitude they bring every day."

Wardie Matthew Jillett said he was proud of the team that Shelly (and Assistant Director of Nursing Patient Flow Fiona Butler) had created.

Matt said when he moved into the Transit Care Hub, he knew he was more than just their Wardie.

“From day one we have been like a family, we all work together to help each other out,” he said.

“Our management team isn’t one to hide in an office, they are constantly out on the floor, assisting where needed and leading by a solid example. 

“This leadership trickles down the chain, with team leaders always conscious of their team, ensuring everyone is doing okay and not getting overwhelmed. All the nurses look out for each other, as well as for the environmental staff and administration.”

Congratulations to both the Transit Care Hub team and Shelly.