SOPD superstar puts Values first

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Senior Administration Team Leader Rebecca Dimitrovski

“Coming here makes my day. The whole multidisciplinary team are here for the patient journey. That’s the most important part of my job and that’s what makes it so rewarding.”

It’s nothing but love at QEII’s Specialty Outpatients Department (SOPD), where Senior Administration Team Leader Rebecca Dimitrovski and her dedicated team of 15 proudly support between 150 to 300+ outpatient appointments every day.

“Coming in and seeing the patients and knowing that you've helped them on their journey is really rewarding. Every time I see someone lined up at that front door, I love knowing that we’re helping that patient because that’s why we’re here,” Rebecca said.

Rebecca’s QEII journey started seven years ago, when she supported the ESM rollout at the Emergency Department before making the fortuitous switch to SOPD, where she found her calling in 2020.

“I loved working in ED of course, but I really found my rhythm in SOPD. It’s become my new home and I absolutely love it here.

“It’s always go, go, go in Outpatients, but I thrive on that. When I come to work, I'm switched on from the minute I walk in until the minute I walk out, and patients are always my number one priority.”

With the strength of her team behind her, Rebecca says it’s the supportive atmosphere at SOPD that fills her cup each day.

“I feel privileged to work with such an amazing team. The camaraderie is what makes us really strong as a unit, because the whole unit comes together to work towards the same objective.”

Recognised for her compassionate, supportive approach and her willingness to thoroughly explain systems and processes, Rebecca’s passion for people earned her the QEII ‘Our Values’ Staff Award in June.

“It’s really nice to hear that feedback and to feel appreciated, and it also says a lot about the camaraderie of the whole team here,” she said.

Four years on, Rebecca looks forward to reaching more milestones with her team, with goals to enhance her own learning journey at the unit.

“We have a very fresh team so it would be lovely to see them grow even further.

“I’m also aspiring to see more of the back end of Outpatients, from the Hub to the Outsourcing Department. I really want to expand my knowledge and get to know every aspect of Outpatients, so that's what I'm striving for next,” she said.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition Rebecca, and thank you for your enduring commitment to the QEII community.