QEII Hospital’s Allied Health Breast Care Team have been celebrated by the Consumer Advisory Council for post-surgical care in the treatment of common co-morbidities such as lymphedema and musculoskeletal issues.
This team, put together in February 2023 to address the gap in care following surgery, were awarded for their consumer partnering approach as part of the QEII iCARE2 Staff Awards.
Director of Occupational Therapy, Ruth Cox says the service has made a meaningful impact for women and has positive consumer reviews to show for it.
“We wanted to make the consumer voice a priority in our service and have used feedback, trials and evaluation to make our care what it is today.”
“The award was given by the Consumer Advisory Council, so to have that recognition from the people we are trying to help is really rewarding.”
The team of Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists (OT) work closely with the McGrath Breast Care Nurse and surgeons to provide early monitoring for changes in the patients’ condition. Change monitoring goes beyond physical, with the OT’s providing stress management and group sessions focusing on reducing fatigue and promoting relaxation.
Ruth says it is about preventing this cohort of patients from slipping through the cracks which can lead to debilitating consequences if not addressed.
“It’s a stressful part of their life being concerned about the cancer first, but then secondary complications can arise and patients may be too scared to access treatment in case it will negatively impact their remission.
“It’s important that these patients are able to just get on with their lives and have confidence knowing that any complications are going to be picked up early and addressed.”
Patient reviews of the Breast Care Team confirm they are seeing the ‘right people at the right time’. The following are direct comments from patients who provided reviews of the service.
“I've been able to think a lot better, my mind is a lot clearer. Before I just couldn’t do anything, I just couldn’t think straight... I’m starting to feel like my old self again,” said one review.
Another review said they never feel as though they were being pushed out the door, while others confirmed the team are there to listen and help whenever they needed it.
“It doesn’t matter who you ask, and they’ll put you where you need to go, they will look after you... that’s all I did. I didn’t know who I had to speak to, so I just spoke to one person and from that everyone wanted to help me.”
Ruth says it’s the collaborative team effort that she is proud of and how the team has connected with every provider in the patient’s care.
“I am thankful to Dr Emilia Dauway and Michelle Hawksworth who have supported us in this new model of care, and now we all get to see the positive impact we can have on our patient’s lives.”