Magical memories for palliative care patients at PA Hospital

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Palliative care patient enjoying time at the petting zoo

Patients and their loves ones enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Princess Alexandra Hospital with live music, a petting zoo, and delicious food to mark National Palliative Care Week.

The ‘Mega Wish’ in collaboration with Palliative Care Queensland created precious memories for people like Boyd Hawkins, who has been receiving treatment at PAH since February this year.

“My time at the PA has been fantastic, I can’t get over the treatment that I’ve received. Everyone we’ve run into has been marvellous,” he said.

“I only found out in January there was something wrong. I accepted it, I thought it was instant death once I heard what it was, but once I got here and had a few things explained to me, it’s been unbelievable.

“I wasn’t going to let it beat me at any stage, I was going to fight it all the way and I’m getting plenty of help to do that.

“With the help we’re getting here I’m going to live life to the fullest.”

Palliative Care Queensland CEO Louise O’Neill acknowledged the work of the Queensland Ambulance Service with many of their paramedics volunteering their time to support patients with the Ambulance Wish program – whether it’s a visit home to see the beach with their families for the last time, or to meet their favourite team, like the Broncos.  

“Hosting our biggest-ever Mega Ambulance Wish is an honour for us at PCQ – especially at the PA Hospital where we’ve helped create beautiful ‘last wishes’ for so many patients and their loved ones,” Ms O’Neill said. 

“Our Mega Wish was a beautiful afternoon sharing moments with families and those volunteers and staff who do so much for patients and palliative care networks. It’s to acknowledge and celebrate the doctors, nurses, allied health and spiritual care staff and carers across Queensland who support people with life-limiting illnesses.”

PA Hospital’s Executive Director Dr Jeremy Wellwood said granting this ‘Mega Wish’ shows what quality palliative care looks like from volunteers, all the way through to patients, families, services, and the community.

“We’re so grateful to partner with PCQ’s Ambulance Wish program for this beautiful afternoon celebration. But we also recognise, there is still so much to be done to ensure palliative care is high-quality and accessible for all Queenslanders.” 

Thank you to everyone who made this special event possible for our patients at the PA.