Cancer Alliance Queensland 20-year milestone

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A group of people standing together indoors, posing for a photo. The setting appears to be a formal or professional event.
Cancer Alliance Queensland

Cancer Alliance Queensland celebrated two decades of investment into the health outcomes of people whose lives have been impacted by cancer in June.

An auspicious event attended by clinicians, partners, state-wide representatives, and university colleagues, looked back on the significant improvements made in cancer care over the last 20 years alongside the launch of Queensland’s first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples cancer report.

Metro South Health Chief Executive, Noelle Cridland said that since 2004, Cancer Alliance Queensland have pursued a single goal: clinician-led service improvement.

“Cancer care has improved significantly over the last 20 years thanks to research and innovation, our dedicated clinicians, and the quality and safety program led by Cancer Alliance Queensland.

“The service was established to provide a comprehensive statewide overview of care for Queenslanders affected by cancer, allowing measurement and realisation of improvements over time,” she said.

Over two decades, Cancer Alliance Queensland have become the reliable source of statistical cancer data, providing valuable insights on the quality of cancer care in Queensland. They have supported clinician-led improvements and built innovative systems to measure the outcomes of cancer care across Queensland, Victoria and Papua New Guinea.

A reflective on the 20-year journey was provided by Prof Euan Walpole and Dr Shoni Philpot at the partnership event on 27 June providing a visual of the strength of the data which informs cancer care across the state.

“From around 6,000 cancer profiles in 2007 to over 326,000 online cancer profiles in 2023, 14 partners and even more hospitals are benefiting from the strength of the data,” Prof Walpole said.

With over 3000 clinicians and stakeholders using the data, Cancer Alliance Queensland and its dedicated leaders in the field of cancer care have prioritised the insights and expertise of clinicians, ensuring that those directly involved in patient care are leading the way.

The anniversary event also offered the opportunity to award the inaugural Safety and Quality in Cancer Award which celebrated the lifetime contributions of Prof. Euan Walpole and Dr Shoni Philpot.

Ms Cridland said the past 20 years have been an exciting journey in improving cancer care. “I look forward to what the next 20 years will deliver for every Queenslander impacted by cancer.”