Nursing Director returns home to Metro South

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Vickye Coffey, Nursing Director Medical at QEII Hospital

Vickye Coffey’s nursing journey has come full circle, returning home to Metro South after a remarkable adventure spanning four decades and many healthcare settings, to her new role as the Nursing Director Medical at QEII Hospital.

Vickye began her career at PA Hospital as a young student nurse before her skills and expertise took her on stints across Queensland and New South Wales and even an overseas venture in Abu Dhabi.

Now back in Metro South Health with a new qualification as an Australian Council of Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Surveyor, Vickye says there’s nowhere quite like home.

“I am loving the sense of community here at QEII. The nursing and medical teams and general culture here are second to none, and I’ve been in many places so I can say that quite openly.

“Nursing is such a life changing experience for you and for the people you encounter. It is also unique in that we can play a part in shaping our profession and our standards of care with the framework that we implement. If we can get that shape just right, then we can positively influence the patient journey and improve standards of care.”

Vickye says QEII breeds a culture that goes over and above which is exemplified by simple things like staff surprising her with balloons and decorations days before on her birthday – which she was positive was a secret.

“This was the first time in my four decades of nursing to be celebrated in such a way. They didn’t have to take the time to do this, but they made sure I was celebrated just as much as someone who had been here for longer.

“There’s a warmth and inclusivity in the clinical staff here at QEII.  We have such a collaborative atmosphere and supportive culture and great staff who band together to get things done.”

Vickye has aspirations for nursing at QEII, emphasizing the importance of succession planning and nurturing staff development.

“I would like to focus on celebrating our successes. To highlight the wins and achievements which reflect the efforts of our staff.

“It is important to grow our own and give people confidence to tackle new roles. To do that we have to give them the right tools, expertise, and solid leadership that I can see here in QEII nursing.

“Support, nurture and empower, that's my mantra.”