- A person with measles was infectious in the community 21- 26 November.
- Measles is very infectious with symptoms presenting 7-10 days after contact.
- People who have been vaccinated or previously contracted the disease are unlikely to become infected.
Metro South Health has been notified about a measles infection in Brisbane.
The person was likely infectious whilst at the following locations on:
Thursday 21 November
- Officeworks, Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt – 1445 to 1545 hrs
- Out of Hours School Care, Holland Park State School, Holland Park – 0655 to 0740 and 1540 to 1630 hrs
Friday 22 November
- Chemist Warehouse Sunnybank Plaza, Sunnybank – 1945 to 2035 hrs
- 7-Eleven, Orange Grove Rd, Coopers Plains – 2010 to 2050 hrs
Saturday 23 November
- Dijon Toasties, Esher St, Tarragindi – 1030 to 1130 hrs
Anyone who visited these venues during the specified periods may have been exposed to the disease and needs to look out for symptoms. The symptoms of measles include high temperatures, cough and a runny nose followed by a red spotty rash and sore, watery eyes a few days later.
Measles is a very infectious disease that is spread by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms usually start 7-10 days after the contact with the infected person but can sometimes take as long as three weeks.
People who have been vaccinated against or previously contracted measles are very unlikely to catch the disease even if they have been exposed.
Those who are at highest risk of contracting measles include people who:
- Were born during or after 1966
- Have no documented evidence of having received 2 doses of a measles containing vaccine
- Have not been infected with measles before
- Have a poor immune system.
If you are unsure of your vaccine status, you can still be vaccinated against measles unless you are pregnant or have problems with a poor immune system. This vaccine is free. Vaccine providers include general practices, many pharmacies and community immunisation clinics provided by Brisbane City Council and Logan City Council.
If you think that you may have measles it is very important that you avoid public spaces and arrange testing with your doctor. Please contact the doctor’s surgery before attending so they can take appropriate precautions. When you call, state that you may have been in contact with a measles case.
Most people recover well after a case of the measles, however up to 30% will need to be admitted to hospital.
For any further information please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or go to the Queensland Health website https://www.qld.gov.au/health/condition/infections-and-parasites/viral-infections/measles.