Metro South Health shows support for IDAHOBIT Day

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Image for Metro South Health shows support for IDAHOBIT Day

Jaime Hilton and Sarah Anderson

Healthcare staff are standing up against discrimination and putting on a colourful display of support for IDAHOBIT, the International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination on 17 May.

The day commemorates the anniversary the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases in 1990. Prior to this, homosexuality was classified globally as a mental illness.

Addiction & Mental Health Information Manager Jaime Hilton said it’s an opportunity to celebrate love and allow humans to be their authentic selves.

“IDAHOBIT is a day that highlights the significant changes that impact me and my loved ones directly.

“As someone part of the LGBTQ+ community, the decision to not see homosexuality as a mental disorder and even a crime in Australia, has allowed me to feel more comfortable to live openly as a lesbian.

“Take a moment this IDAHOBIT on 17 May to reflect on those around you who are sexually and or gender diverse. We understand that everyone can get curious, but please just be respectful. Let’s celebrate today and future days to embrace diversity and make positive change,” said Jaime.

The sentiment is echoed by Safety, Quality and Program Development Lead Sarah Anderson who said IDAHOBIT is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the long history of discrimination, criminalisation and abuse of LGBTIQA+ people worldwide.

“More than 1 in 10 people in our community identify as LGBTIQA+. All of us have friends, family members, colleagues and patients who belong to the LGBTIQA+ community.

Your words, actions and inclusive practices matter in every interaction.

“Our LGBTIQA+ community, particularly those over the age of 40, have lived much of their lives in an Australia that labelled them as mentally ill. The impact of this label, fear and isolation it caused is undeniable.

“All LGBTIQA+ people who visit our service any day of the year, deserve to know they are safe, celebrated and welcome to be their true selves,” said Sarah.

Sarah and Jaime are encouraging people to foster a culture of inclusivity not just on IDAHOBIT, but every day of the year.

“By being inclusive it allows for positive mental wellbeing and better lives for everyone. Let’s celebrate our diversity and just be kind to each other,” said Jaime.