Palliative care partnership expands to PAH

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Five healthcare workers in colorful scrubs hold informational materials about a palliative care partnership at Logan Hospital.
Logan's Palliative Care partners with Lisa's Lunches charity

A thoughtful Palliative Care initiative, "Lisa's Lunches", first introduced to Logan Hospital, has now expanded to the PA Hospital.

The charity delivers care boxes to families supporting loved ones nearing the end of life.

Nurse Unit Manager Gillian Myles played a pivotal role in bringing the initiative to Logan Hospital in 2023 and has since worked with the PAH’s Palliative Care Unit to extend its reach.

The charity was founded in 2019 by Jacqui Martin in memory of her close friend, Lisa Heuston.

After Lisa’s passing, Jacqui said she saw a need for essentials for families who drop everything to be by the bedside of their loved ones.

“The boxes are for families on a bedside vigil when they come in with their loved ones unexpectedly, because they often arrive with nothing,” said Jacqui.

“Inside the boxes are all the essentials including toiletries, snacks, socks, and a few comforts so they feel human."

All items are generously donated by the community, and volunteers express immense gratitude for the support that has allowed them to assist families at both Logan and PAH.