New workshop supports Logan's growth

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New BEMS workshop

Logan Hospital is now home to the most technologically advanced maintenance workshop of any Queensland Health facility.

The new state-of-the-art workshop was designed to support the hospital’s growth, offering more space and improved functionality for increased operational demands.

Maintenance Manager Murray Pocock said the entire maintenance team had input into the design, to ensure it could withstand both current and future needs.

“The workshop’s advanced features are key to keeping up with the hospital’s growing capacity,” he said.

"The inclusion of modern, computer-aided machines allows for a wide range of tasks - such as fire and clinical door maintenance, cabinetry repairs, hoarding manufacture, sheet metal fabrication, pump and motor set re-alignment, sandblasting, and industrial coating - to be performed in-house," Murray said.

"Previously, these tasks had to be contracted out, leading to greater expense and associated time delays."

The new workshop puts Logan Hospital in a strong position to maintain its infrastructure and support its future growth with the best technology available.