Fresh fruit delivery brings smiles to DOCS outpatients

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Outpatients at Princess Alexandra Hospital’s (PAH) Division of Cancer Services (DOCS) are enjoying fresh fruit and snacks in the waiting room, thanks to a thoughtful initiative led by DOCS Divisional Nurse Manager, Sue Schoonbeek.

Launched in November 2023, what started as a humble basket of fruit delivered to the DOCS waiting room quickly evolved into something much bigger.

“We started with a box of apples, a box of mandarins, and a box of bananas every day from Monday to Thursday,” said Sue.

“At times, we had enough single serve items left over that we were able to share with other areas within the DOM, and at Christmas, our fresh food partners at GMN Vegie Prepi were able to send a truckload of food supplies up north to areas affected by Cyclone Jasper, where people didn’t have food or lost power.

“Today, we have three different suppliers providing a range of foods including fruits, veggies, breakfast snacks and cupcakes etc.,” said PAH Food Services Manager Scott Pritchard, who works with Sue to distribute the food stocks.

With an inside view of the patient experience at DOCS over the past ten-plus years, Sue says she was moved to brighten up the waiting room, particularly for those struggling financially.

“I had this dream of being able to give our cancer patients fresh fruit in the waiting areas, because they often spend many full days there, rotating through multiple appointments each day,” she said.

“Often, clinics are back-to-back, so our patients and their families don’t stop for lunch. Many have had to stop work during treatment and can’t afford to buy food from the café, so to have these foods at their fingertips is precious. There is a financial toxicity that comes with cancer, and that can’t be underestimated,” said Sue.

Just two months on, Sue says feedback from patients across the units has been so overwhelmingly positive, the team have introduced thank-you cards at the waiting room for patients to share personalised feedback directly with the food donors.

“The feedback from the patients and their families has been remarkable. There has been much discussion amongst the waiting areas offering thanks and asking me to convey their appreciation to those who have gone out of their way to give so sacrificially to them. Fruit is often the first thing removed from the weekly shopping and it is so good for our patients.”

Congratulations to the team for maintaining the fruitful partnership with food suppliers PFD (in partnership with Accounts Service Rep. Irene Atamaniuk) and GMN Vegie Prepi (in partnership with Sue Rigato) and bringing smiles to so many patients at PAH.