Research excellence - Finance and business management

Learn how to get funding for your research, basic project management skills and how to manage finances and teams.

Webinar registration
Event information
12 Sep 2024
12 noon to 1 PM

Microsoft Teams

Duration One hour
Cost Free

Event overview

Hosted by Metro South Research and Metro South Research Facilitation and Capability Services, this session may include presentations on the following topics.

  • Getting research funding in Australia
  • Designing research budgets and learning how to create a tracking spreadsheet, including gift cards
  • Creating a study budget and what do the governance team require in the SSA
  • Managing finances and personnel resources
  • Conducting in-kind projects and what this means in research
  • Partnerships
  • Forming a research team: how to lead a team and manage projects (basic)
  • Applying management concepts in research

These presentations may change. We'll update them closer to the session.

Previous webinars


Metro South Research and Metro South Research Facilitation and Capability Services

Last updated: August 2024