Research excellence - Data and privacy

Learn how we use social media in research, how to visualise and manage data, privacy, and finding biostatistics resources.

Webinar registration
Event information
12 Dec 2024
12 noon to 1 PM

Microsoft Teams

Duration One hour
Cost Free

Event overview

Hosted by Metro South Research and Metro South Research Facilitation and Capability Services, this session may include presentations on the following topics.

  • Using social media in research
  • Data visualisation in publications
  • Introduction to data access in research and routine data management
  • Understanding data linkage, e-Health data (Power Trials) and 'big data'
  • Data in research - planning, conducting and reporting
  • Preserving, sharing, and re-using data
  • MSH Biostatistics Service - where to find information
  • Privacy in research

These presentations may change. We'll update them closer to the session.

Previous webinars

Research Data: How to utilise data in health research 24/07/2024


Metro South Research and Metro South Research Facilitation and Capability Services

Last updated: August 2024