Data capture and management with REDCap

Data capture and management with REDCAP

Short REDCap survey management training modules provided by the MSH Biostatistics Service provider QCIF.

Event information
05 Sep 2024 to 26 Sep 2024
9:00 am to 11:00 am


Cost $100 per workshop/no cost if affiliated with a QCIF Member university

The QCIF series of short training modules provide a comprehensive guide to the REDCap survey management platform - a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. These range from an introduction for complete beginners with REDCap to survey customisation and security management. The modules do follow on from each other, but are designed to be accessible as stand-alone sessions - either join for all of them or just dip in and out as you need.

Recommended Participants

Clinical, translational and health service researchers, health service managers, research managers and others wanting to learn about the capabilities of REDCap.

REDCap 101: Getting Started with REDCap  05/09/2024
  • What is REDCap - an introduction
  • The REDCap subject interface and filling in surveys
  • Accessing, working with, and exporting survey data
REDCap 102: Creating Projects 12/09/2024
  • Logging on to REDCap
  • Creating projects and instruments
  • Moving projects to production
  • Exporting data and creating reports
REDCap 201: Advanced Project Management 19/09/2024
  • Using surveys in your project
  • Advanced form development
  • Longitudinal studies
  • User rights and permissions
REDCap 202: Finalising and Running a Clinical Trial 26/09/2024
  • Automated survey invitations
  • Importing data
  • Randomisation
  • Record locking and E-signatures
  • REDCap mobile app
  • Using the API
  • Clinical trials

MSH employees can register for these workshops as ‘Other institution or employer’ at a cost of $100 per workshop.

If a MSH employee is affiliated with a QCIF Member University please select your university when registering to register at $0 cost.


QCIF - register via the website below

Last updated: August 2024

Last updated: August 2024