When you give us feedback

  • We keep a record of all the complaints, compliments and enquiries we get
  • We share compliments with the staff or area your feedback is about
  • We review complaints and let you know about any decisions or action we take
  • We treat all complaints confidentially
  • We respect your right to provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way you are treated

Read how we keep your information safe on the Queensland Government website.

Read about your healthcare rights on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website.

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint if you're not happy with the service we gave you. You can also make a complaint for someone else. We need to ask their permission to speak to you about their care.

Before making a formal complaint, we recommend you talk to the staff looking after you. You can also talk to the manager of the health service you're at.

You don't have to give us your name or contact details to make a complaint. If you don't, we won't be able to respond to you about decisions or actions we take. We don't link or record your complaint in your health record.

When you make a complaint, we'll let you know we've got it within 5 days. We'll then review your complaint and let you know the result within 35 days.

Sometimes we might need more time to look into your complaint. If that happens, we'll let you know.

If you're not happy with the result you can:

Raise concerns about a patient's health (Ryan's Rule)

If you're worried about someone in hospital who's getting worse or not improving as expected, you can use Ryan's Rule to get help. Ryan's Rule is not for complaints.

Learn more about Ryan's Rule on the Clinical Excellence Queensland website.

Feedback and complaint report

Under the Public Service Act 2008 we must publish information about the complaints we get including how many:

  • we get each year
  • we've resolved without further action required
  • needed further action.

We won't publish your personal information.

Feedback report from July 2023 to June 2024

We received a total of 4858 complaints between July 2023 - June 2024. Of these, 93 required no further action. 4765 needed further action to resolve.