Fill in the online feedback form below to give a compliment or make a complaint.

You can type your feedback, or you can upload a video or voice recording.

If you don't want to use the online form you can speak to a consumer liaison officer at the hospital or health service you were treated at.

All feedback is confidential. It will not be linked to or recorded in your health record. Learn more about how we treat your feedback.

Our online feedback form is available in the following languages.

  • English
  • العربية / Arabic
  • မြန်မာ / Burmese
  • 简体中文 / Chinese
  • دری / Dari
  • 한국어 / Korean
  • فارسی / Persian (Farsi)
  • Somali
  • Español / Spanish
  • Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese

Last updated: July 2024